ISIS Wants to Kill You, Moron

Isis Has Flooded Europe

I get that it is difficult for a lot of people (liberal morons) to wrap their heads around the fact that there are people out there who want to murder you simply because you are the wrong type of person with the wrong beliefs, but it is real.

This is the easiest way I can explain it.

If you believe in God, (I know as a liberal, that is unlikely) you know He asks certain things of you. You do things all the time, simply because you are asked to do it. You pray, you give of yourself, etc, etc. Now imagine that your God asks you to kill someone. Imagine you are Abraham and God has told you to sacrifice your son. GOD TOLD YOU TO KILL YOUR OWN SON. Do you do it? Do you murder your son for your God?

Atheists, I don’t think I can help you understand this if you don’t already. It’s perfectly logical, but I’ve met a lot of really stupid people who can’t grasp the logic of belief. You might be one of those.

Now understand that Allah has told these people to kill us. They believe it as strongly as you believe that God wants you to love your neighbor, even if (enter whatever horrible thing your neighbor does here). So what are you going to do? God told you to cut your innocent, wonderful son open like a sacrificial lamb and you know God told you to do that. (Not only has he told you to do it, but he has told you that if you do, he promises you eternal life with a shit-ton of virgins to have sex with as constantly as you want, but that’s not actually a thing any Christian believes.)

Maybe you just don’t believe it’s happening? Or maybe you think the press is blowing it out of proportion? They are actually underreporting this shit. (If you don’t believe they are murdering people, I can’t help you.) ISIL thinks the same thing about you. They want to kill you BECAUSE ALLAH TOLD THEM TO KLL YOU and virgins, lots and lots of virgins.

ISIL thinks the same thing about you. They want to kill you BECAUSE ALLAH TOLD THEM TO KLL YOU and virgins, lots and lots of virgins. This is after they have reached a certain level of spirituality. They are Muslim. They haven’t always been ready or able to kill for Allah. A radical Muslim is  someone at the higher levels of being a Muslim. This isn’t hard to understand, people, and you need to believe it. They are coming for you.

So if you think you are going to convince these filthy animals to not do everything in their power to kill Christians, Jews, Gays, YOU, etc, etc. then you are delusional (probably a liberal) and may as well try to get a Jehovah’s Witness to come to a Christmas gift exchange.

If you are a liberal or you just don’t believe this, you’d better hide behind someone who owns a gun because you can bet ISIL will have them.

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